Happy Valentine’s Day
Relationship are very much apart of life. it is a blessing to know people that provide unconditional love with no strings attached. They are givers in the true sense- from an affirming nod, to a warm smile, to a hug of assurance, and a sparkle in their eye that let's you know all is well. They are the people that walk the talk because when they say "I love you" there is no question that is exactly what they mean.
The father-daughter relationship is very special to me. I learned the essence of how to love me because of my dad. He was strong, smart, full of wisdom and a guiding light when I did not know which way to go. He was my protector, my biggest cheerleader, and affectionately known as my "Papa". I am grateful for the lessons he taught me about life even when I was resistant to listening at times. I thank him for his vision and the goals he set forth for his family,
On this Valentine's Day I honor my dad who has always provided unconditional love to our family and even though he is longer here; his spirit of love continues to touch our heart from heaven…..